Friday, September 12, 2008

IT in Different Areas

Best thing about IT is that it is now everywhere..
From medicine to business..It's everywhere..
For us, opportunities are...EVERYWHERE!..tama ba?

IT in Evacuation Center Management

Since then, our country has already experienced many disasters. Based on the location of our country, we can never deny the fact that it is prone to natural calamities namely earthquakes, typhoons and volcanic eruptions. We cannot also deny the fact that there is a conflict between some of the groups in our country that cause armed conflicts and also bombing. Because of these events the Disaster Management was formed. Under DM there are many things to consider, for say there is a big flood caused a typhoon that made the people homeless, there should be things to be done in order to help them. Among the essential area of DM is evacuating the affected victims or community from the site of disaster towards a safer place and it’s called an evacuation camp.

Based on that situation, I would like to propose a study with regards to the injection of IT in the field of Disaster Management, particularly in the area of Evacuation Center Management. This proposed study will cover from developing an appropriate Evacuation Center up to the resource/relief allocation for the victims under a said center.

To develop a model for a standard evacuation center design with an automation in mind
To identify items in the Evacuation Center Management that serves as bottleneck and will be enhanced by IT
To determine the effectiveness of IT under the field of Disaster Management
To develop an enhanced system for Evacuation Center Management

End Project:
Evacuation Center Designer
- this system will be developed based on the derived design/model from the study
- a system for making a blueprint design of an evacuation center
- with predefined models/designs for specific disaster or location but configurable
- configuration is based of the basic data that is gathered from the field (Ex. no. of families, budget per family, land area and etc)