Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ban Of Brother: Coming Soon

"There are trials for everyone that he/she must overcome"

That statement is very applicable for every person in this world. Especially for those who live life in a very curious manner (BoB). Because of some trials, the BoB were phase out temporarily from their hive (paburit place). And now, since there is a great chance that the BoB can regain their rightful chance to occupy their hive again, they surely did not let it pass.

So! Nodal funs, and PC lovers beware and standby for the return of the curious BAN of BROTHERS!

Coming Soon..


Anonymous said...

pagsure bayot!

rejserenity said...

hahahahah.! amew man na c anonymous woie.. aw, i really like the ban of brothers jejejeje... mga curious au ahihihi

Anonymous said...

bayuton man gud na xa..

Anonymous said...

amaw jud crush cguro niya c john

jamesmalibiran said...

proud to be one... =) yeah!